So, it has been pretty darn cold here this past week! On Tuesday, the
weather was BEAUTIFUL! We were out wearing suit coats and loving the fact that
we could see grass. apparently the weather was around 50 degrees! Everyone kept
telling us that we were going to get 10 inches of snow the next day.. Elder May
and I thought that was ridiculous! The Sun was out, everything was melting, and
there wasn't a cloud in the sky. We went to bed thinking that everyone was crazy
for worrying about that storm so much.. The next morning, we looked out the
window and saw... Grass! There was no snow at all. So, completely confindent
that we were right and there was no snow storm, we got ready and started
studying.. About 9:00, it started to rain. Soon, that rain turned to snow. And,
by about 3:00, we had about 10 inches of snow. :(
We got out of District Meeting and pushed the Sisters cars out of the
parking lot, then we did an exchange! I got to go back to Syracuse again, which
was great!
I was with Elder Mckay May, who goes home in about 2 weeks.. He is such a
good Elder! When I was serving in Syracuse, I knew him because he was up in
Potsdam and we went to a ZL meeting together once a month. Then, when I was in
Massena, he was my Zone Leader! Now, I'm back by Syracuse and he's my Zone
Leader again! I was really excited to get to do one final exchange with him and
am grateful for the opportunity. We got to go and see a few people that I
remembered from Syracuse and had a lot of fun! The highlight was
He is doing so good... I love Kiry! He's just such a hard worker and is being a
great missionary. One of his brothers has joined the Church since he was
baptized and one of his sisters is getting pretty close. He goes out with the
missionaries a lot and is currently working as a Pharmacy Tech. He is saving up
money and wants to get into Pharmacy School. I'm so grateful for his friendship!
He's such a great guy.
We had a great exchange, then ended it by going to Denny's. Elder May (Sr)
and Elder Butterfield both got "Endless Pancakes".. They started eating, and
long story short, Elder May ate 15 pancakes. The waitress was amazed by his
pancake eating talents and a guy in the booth next to us dubbed Elder May "The
Pancake Slayer!" It was hilarious and we all had a good time together. In
hindsight I should've gotten a picture at Denny's... Oops!
Something I've thought a lot about this week is what our testimony consists
of... We all have specific moments in our lives where we are made aware of
Spiritual Truths. An example of this might be when I was at Brother Laconti's
funeral in Lowville. There was a specific moment during the service where I
absolutely knew that there was life after death. That specific moment helped me
come to a knowledge of that spiritual truth. Now, because it was knowledge, it
really helped me get through the death of Bro Rich (from Massena) instead of
being shocked and struggling a lot with his passing. However, if that knowledge
is not carefully recorded and remembered, it is easy to forget the Truths that
we know and revert back to the way we once were. Coming to this understanding
made me really ponder what Spiritual Truths I really know. So I did a lot of
reflecting, thought back on the moments when I came to know spiritual truth,
then began to record the things that I really know. We all can have faith, but
eventually it evolves into something even more. This change enables this
knowledge to really benefit others as well as ourselves. I have no idea if this
concept makes sense to anyone else, but I'd like to invite you all to ponder
what Spiritual Truths you know. Think back on how you came to know that it was
true, then ponder what has helped build that knowledge since. I think that is
why we continue to re-read the scriptures and hear about the same things in
Church- So that we can remember the things that the Lord has previously taught
That's something I came to understand this last week that helped me out
quite a bit. I hope that makes sense to all of you! We have to continually build
and reinforce our testimonies if we hope to progress to greater things! I know
that is true.
I love all of you guys! Thanks again for all that you do. You guys are the
BEST! :)
-Elder Hussey
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